Rancho cordova

RANCHO CORDOVA & SACRAMENTO COUNTY – Centracs – Server-to-Server

 Centracs Server-to-Server brings together the City of Rancho Cordova and Sacramento County, CA

Prior to the City’s incorporation in 2003, Sacramento County operated and maintained Rancho Cordova’s traffic control devices. This arrangement between Rancho Cordova and the County continues to this day. As a means of both transition and continued cooperation, Rancho Cordova will operate its signals using its new Econolite Centracs® system as well as allow its signals to be operable from Sacramento County’s existing Centracs system.

After the completion of a detailed system evaluation, the City of Rancho Cordova selected Econolite Systems as their System Integrator. As part of this project, Econolite will perform the following tasks:

  • Provide, configure, install, & integrate Centracs 2.0 as the ATMS solution for the City as well as the Advanced CCTV, Enhanced MOE, Synchro, S2S, & DMS system software modules.
  • Provide the City with the Econolite Cobalt® Graphics ATC controllers running ASC/3 firmware to replace the City’s older existing traffic signal controllers (80 ints.).
  • Provide the central server to host the Centracs system software modules.
  • Provide firewall/VPN device, communications hub switch, & digital recording system.
  • Switch field devices from Sacramento County’s Centracs system to Rancho Cordova’s new Centracs system.
  • Provide, configure, install, & integrate the Centracs Server-to-Server (S2S) module between the City’s & Sacramento County’s Centracs systems to share traffic signal data, monitoring, & control capabilities.
  • Provide, configure, install, & integrate Genetec’s Security Center Federation feature between the City’s & Sacramento County’s camera systems for CCTV camera video sharing, monitoring, & control.
  • Develop detailed system graphics & intersection diagrams as well as perform database conversion for all of the controllers (80 ints.).
  • Documentation, training, system acceptance testing, 1-Year Warranty, & 4-Year Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for the entire Centracs system.

The Server-to-Server (S2S) feature was introduced in Version 1.3 of the Centracs software. The Centracs S2S module will allow Sacramento County’s and Rancho Cordova’s Centracs systems to seamlessly share data and communicate with each other in order to facilitate cross-jurisdictional management and monitoring of each other’s intersections. With Centracs S2S technology, each Agency can maintain full control over which devices are exposed to the other’s Centracs system. In addition, each Agency controls the data that is published and how much system control is given or shared across the S2S interface.


Econolite’s core intelligent traffic solutions:

Cabinets | Controllers | Software | Sensors | Professional Services

About Econolite

Econolite’s ITS solutions ease traffic congestion, provide safer mobility, and improve quality of life. As the one-stop-shop leader for traffic management systems, sensor products, and services, Econolite is committed to the advancement of connected and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and cybersecurity. For more information, visit us at www.econolite.com.

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