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CARY, NC – Systems Integrations

Oct 1, 2021 | Systems Integrations

A turnkey Econolite Centracs® ATMS solution will provide easier access and programming of Time-of-Day signal timing plans and traffic responsive to improve traffic flow

In early 2015, the Town of Cary began the upgrade of its old traffic management system. The initial upgrade includes a turnkey Econolite Centracs® ATMS solution that will provide easier access and programming of Time-of-Day signal timing plans and traffic responsive to improve traffic flow. Centracs will also be called upon to help manage 27 traffic cameras; over 100 miles of fiber optic cable; and 189 state-of-the-art Econolite traffic signal controllers. Centracs will help traffic engineers to quickly and more efficiently fine tune signal timing, accommodate scheduled events, and identify and react to traffic incidents.

Centracs ATMS will help facilitate Cary’s comprehensive effort to keep the region’s roadway users informed on real-time travel conditions. “wink-Cary Traffic Info” includes a television and website for users to view reliable, real-time traffic information, including dynamic message sign (DMS) display.

Wink TV closed circuit television cameras send video to Cary’s signal system specialists and the Town’s government access channel, Cary TV 11. This allows motorists to view real-time traffic conditions, enhancing their trip planning abilities. While the wink Web site at provides real-time traffic conditions 24 hours a day.

Upgraded Signal System Features:

  • Centracs ATMS
  • 100 miles of fiber optic cable network linking CCTV cameras and traffic signals to the Traffic Command Center
  • 27 CCTV cameras at key intersections
  • Fiber optic connections to fire stations, parks and other Town facilities
  • Approximately 189 state-of-the-art traffic signal controller devices
  • Emergency vehicle preemption that gives fire trucks, EMS and police vehicles first priority
  • Live video feeds are shared with North Carolina Department of Transportation Statewide Transportation Center, Cary’s 911 Communication Centers, Cary TV and local media


Econolite’s core intelligent traffic solutions:

Cabinets | Controllers | Software | Sensors | Professional Services

About Econolite

Econolite’s ITS solutions ease traffic congestion, provide safer mobility, and improve quality of life. As the one-stop-shop leader for traffic management systems, sensor products, and services, Econolite is committed to the advancement of connected and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and cybersecurity. For more information, visit us at

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