City of Redlands, CA
Econolite Systems, Inc. (ESI) was selected by the City of Redlands to upgrade its pedestrian countdown signals. As specified in the contract, ESI removed existing, outdated, and non-functioning pedestrian equipment, and installed 382 new pedestrian countdown heads at intersection locations throughout the City. The pedestrian signal upgrade project ranged from installing up to eight (8) pedestrian countdown heads per intersection according to the City’s plans and specifications.
In addition to removing existing pedestrian signal equipment and installing all-new pedestrian countdown signal heads, ESI was also responsible for installing Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) Pushbutton call systems at each upgraded location, along with the appropriate pedestrian appurtenance, in compliance with the Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards and requirements. Installation of an Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) Pushbutton at various locations throughout the City of Redlands mirrors the locations of the pedestrian countdown heads.