City of Stockton, CA
The City of Stockton, CA, is the county seat for San Joaquin County in Northern California. It is home to the Port of Stockton, the second-largest and fourth-busiest port in the State. Situated more than 70 miles inland, the Port of Stockton is an essential commerce center for California and the Western U.S., providing the movement of goods and cargo globally. Due to its location, several major railways and State and Interstate highways converge in the City. As a result, the surface transportation system is a strategic part of Stockton’s infrastructure. The City’s Department of Public Works oversees and manages the roadways, improvements, and deployment of transportation technologies. To assist with the City’s transportation network monitoring and operations, the City awarded Econolite Systems, Inc. the TMC Equipment Upgrade contract.
Econolite Systems will work with several departments to provide all materials and construction services for a fiber optic network upgrade, as well as install new computer and video monitoring systems for the City’s TMC in the Stewart Eberhardt Building and new City Hall. Econolite Systems will install new network management software, workstations and servers, and a new video wall at the TMC. This fiber optic network and TMC upgrade will integrate and enhance Stockton’s centralized traffic management operations. In addition, Econolite Systems will port and update software for more than 300 traffic signal controllers installed throughout the City to support its TMC-based traffic signal management.