City of Poway will be updating their traffic controllers and communications, citywide. with Econolite

Traffic Signal Controller and Communications Upgrade Project

Apr 29, 2024 | Controllers | ITS Installation

The City of Poway, CA (City) is located in the Northern region of San Diego County. With its suburban lifestyle and proximity to several freeways, Poway is less than a 30-minute drive to San Diego. As a result, the City has experienced consistent population and commuter traffic growth over the years. Recognizing this growth, the City adopted a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to help future-proof its infrastructure and enhance safety for its community.

In support of the City of Poway’s CIP, the City’s Traffic Engineering Department identified the need to upgrade and improve its traffic controllers and communications citywide. In late 2023, Econolite Systems, Inc. (ESI) was awarded the Traffic Signal Controller and Communications Improvement Project contract to upgrade the traffic signal controllers and fiber optic ethernet switches at the signalized intersections throughout the City.

ESI is installing 2070LX traffic signal controllers and fiber optic switches to provide connectivity to the City’s fiber optic communications network, ensuring operability with the City’s existing software system. ESI is also providing equipment spares to help address the City’s planned growth.

Econolite’s 4 Pillar intelligent traffic solutions:

Cabinets | Controllers | Systems | Sensors

About Econolite

Econolite’s ITS solutions ease traffic congestion, provide safer mobility, and improve quality of life. As the one-stop-shop leader for traffic management systems, sensor products, and services, Econolite is committed to the advancement of connected and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and cybersecurity. For more information, visit us at

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